Task 3.1: Watch the following video "8 Steps Towards Proper Netiquette" and then complete Assignment 3.1
Assignment 3.1 - Netiquette Introduction Assignment
Task 3.2: Watch the following music video about when it is appropriate to TEXT.
Assignment 3.2 - Real life first
Statement: If you have a real and active audience present in your life at certain times please realize it is considered very rude and disrespectful to text in that environment. Asking to excuse yourself from the conversation only makes the act a little less rude. It is recommended to only excuse yourself to text / answer phone calls when it is an emergency.
Also it is perfectly appropriate to let people who continue to text you know that you are engaged in real life matters and will respond when you can. It is time to put real life back on top of our priorities.
Submit answers to you teacher electronically or on paper for the following:
1. How do you feel about the statement above?
Acadia University in Nova Scotia was among the first to provide each student with their very own laptop. This resulted in house parties and social gatherings with up to ten people in a room on their laptops without a word being said to each other out loud in the room for hours. This could be called the "Acadia Syndrome".
2. Do you think your school or home has the possibility to develop "Acadia Syndrome" and what can you do to prevent or minimize the damage?
Statement: If you have a real and active audience present in your life at certain times please realize it is considered very rude and disrespectful to text in that environment. Asking to excuse yourself from the conversation only makes the act a little less rude. It is recommended to only excuse yourself to text / answer phone calls when it is an emergency.
Also it is perfectly appropriate to let people who continue to text you know that you are engaged in real life matters and will respond when you can. It is time to put real life back on top of our priorities.
Submit answers to you teacher electronically or on paper for the following:
1. How do you feel about the statement above?
Acadia University in Nova Scotia was among the first to provide each student with their very own laptop. This resulted in house parties and social gatherings with up to ten people in a room on their laptops without a word being said to each other out loud in the room for hours. This could be called the "Acadia Syndrome".
2. Do you think your school or home has the possibility to develop "Acadia Syndrome" and what can you do to prevent or minimize the damage?